Thursday, November 15, 2018

Welcoming and Boastful Street Clock

We love giant street clocks! This clock is a cut-corner-cube with sides that are about three feet wide and three feet tall. The cube is bolted to the corner of a building and hangs over the sidewalk twenty feet in the air. Do you see the pineapples on the top and bottom? On the bottom we can see that the pineapple is surrounded by peacock feathers. The pineapple is a sign of welcome and peacock feathers are a sign of opulence. So, a pineapple surrounded by peacock feathers means, "Hello, friend. Look at how fancy I am." The perfect message for this beautiful clock!

  1. Count the numbers on the clock face.
  2. What time does the clock say?
  3. Do you think it's morning or evening in this picture?

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